Monday, November 18, 2013


The Swiss education system comprises of the  following educational levels :
  • Pre-school
  • Primary school
  • Lower secondary level
  • Upper secondary level: vocational education and training (basicvocational education and training, vocational baccalaureate) and general education (specialized middle schools and Matura schools)
  • Tertiary level: higher vocational education and training (federal PETdiploma examinations, advanced federal PET diploma examinations, colleges of higher vocational education and training) and university education. The universities are divided into the traditional universities (cantonal universities and Federal Institutes of Technology) and the universities of applied sciences, including universities for art and music as well as universities of teacher education.
  • Continuing education
  • Special needs education
Higher Education

Switzerland's 12 universities comprise 10 cantonal universities and 2 Federal Institutes of Technology. A list of the twelve universities is available here.

This results in their time and again being ranked among the topuniversities of the world.
  1. University of St. Gallen (HSG) (St. Gallen), German-speaking
  2. University of Zurich (Zürich), German-speaking
  3. ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich) (Zürich), German-speaking
  4. University of Basel (Basel), German-speaking
  5. University of Berne (Berne), German-speaking
  6. University of Fribourg (Fribourg), French- and German-speaking
  7. University of Geneva (Geneva), French-speaking
  8. EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne) (Lausanne), French-speaking
  9. University of Neuchâtel (Neuchâtel), French-speaking
  10. University of Lausanne (Lausanne), French-speaking
  11. University of Lucerne (Lucerne), German-speaking
  12. Università della Svizzera Italiana (Lugano), Italian-speaking
Various Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen)
  1. Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, (Lucerne), German-speaking
  2. Zurich University of Applied Sciences, (Zurich), German-speaking
  3. Berne University of Applied Sciences, (Berne, Biel/Bienne, Burgdorf), German- and French-speaking
Known for superior education, Switzerland is an ideal location for higher studies and research. Switzerland is continuously evolving its education system according to Bologna system in order to comply with the globalization and growing partnerships with other countries. The aim is to create a "European arena for higher education" by coordinating the structure and duration of degrees and facilitating the study attainment and performance of students in European universities.

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